Wed 2 Dec 2015
Trump’s plan to become a murderer
Posted by belisarius under Ranting and Ramblings of an Old Man
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Donald Trump has gone beyond the limit. Now he is advocating that the USA murder the families of terrorists. That’s the sort of collective guilt that China has used and the Nazis kept their political enemies in line with. How can we expect other nations to look up to the USA as Reagan’s shining city on a hill if our behavior is no better than that of such monstrous regimes. But I suppose it fits in with the general “Fortress America” mentality so popular in the “30s and now. It’s amazing how many churchgoing Christians have a “I’ve got mine mentality” and are willing to violate everyone else’s right to a decent (or any) life so long as they have their Botox, guns to play with, and fungus free toenails. Why not just elect Darth Vader president? At least he’s honest and intelligent.
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