Sat 3 Oct 2015
Guns. October 4, 2015
Posted by belisarius under Ranting and Ramblings of an Old Man
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The arms industry though its mouthpiece the NRA continues to fiercely fight minor (and useless)_ legislation like background checks so that when it has to give in on these it will be able to say that it has done its part. There will be no meaningful limitation on the number of unnecessary pistols and assault type weapons in the USA. That’s business. There will be no elimination of gun shows (Guns are tools not toys.) The sad fact is that too many folk in the west and Midwest don’t give a damn how many people in cities die freon crime, gun accidents or just being in the way during a shootout. Yet they claim to be Christians. Hunters, ranchers, and farmers need a 30/30 rifle and a couple of shotguns. Some others (cab drivers for example) need a handgun but a .22 cal 2-shot derringer type weapon is sufficient for that while not being a weapon that one would try to commit a crime with. I don’t accept it when people in other lands use the excuse that “It’s our culture” and I don’t accept it here. The 2nd amendment is not an unrestricted gift from God. Change. Yes it would take time and for a while “only criminals would have guns” but in time most would be confiscated or rust away (like WW II souvenirs weapons.) Meanwhile, crime is what cops are for, not armed civilians untrained in police work and the law.
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